Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Music As A Psychological Force - 1840 Words

Music as a Psychological Force â€Å"Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.† French writer Alphonse de Lamartine immaculately summarized society’s preconceptions and widely accepted notions about music. Music is often incorporated in daily life, fluctuating from being used as a tool to combat silence and boredom, to acting as a method of expression for emotions, and events. However, the power of music is monumental, and the idea that it is so greatly entwined with numerous aspects of life serves to make music a volatile authority, acting as either a weapon, or a cure. Because music has such influence upon perception, emotion, and the brain itself, it can be used as therapy, or used to completely dismember the†¦show more content†¦Additionally, music creates movement by triggering motor areas in the brain, thereby solidifying music’s presence in the brain. (Vinther) Music provides sensations similar to that of drugs, or sex, as the same sections of the b rain are stimulated. (Fick, Shilts) The sensations created are due to the influx of dopamine, along with the plasticity of the neurons itself. Composers have latched on to this knowledge, creating songs that specifically delay the musical pattern established in the very beginning, which in turn causes the dopamine neurons to remain â€Å"in suspense†. The very end result is a greater, more powerful emotional response. (Lehrer) Conclusions can be derived that music provides a sense of euphoria, thereby explaining why society views it in such a positive manner. It also leads into exactly why using music as therapy is an obvious solution, yet contributes justification for how devious and deleterious weaponizing music is. Because music generates a sense of exhilaration, using it to heal someone aligns flawlessly with society’s notions of music; in contrast, for the same reason, manipulating music to destroy one’s sanity goes against the very idea society holds dear. Music as therapy is an idea that makes complete sense in correspondence with society’s perception as music as an enjoyable activity. In regards to therapeutic treatment, music can be used in a capacious manner, with treatments

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