Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Criminalization of Human and Mobility System - Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Criminalization of Human and Mobility System. Answer: Introduction: This essay will discuss about the effect of globalization and sovereignty in relation to international human smuggling. Globalization is defined as the process by which businesses or firms get international acclaim and start to function on a global scale (Beck 2018). Sovereignty is defined as the power and authority of a governing body without any external interference (Agnew 2017). Globalization and human smuggling are interconnected to each other. An increase in the combined global economy paved the way for international human smuggling. According to United Nations, human smuggling can be defined as the transportation, facilitation, attempted shipping or illicit entry of an individual across the international boundaries by breaking the specific countrys law. Human smuggling refers to deport of individuals in another state or country by illegal means whereas human trafficking refers to implication of force on the individual to deport in another place. Financial gain is implied within human smuggling and the illegal entry takes place in such a place where the individual can be neither a citizen nor a permanent resident (Baylis, Smith and Owens 2017). The research question for this essay will be- how is globalization, sovereignty and cross- border identity related to international people smuggling- in association with permeability to national borders and contemporary anxiety about national identity? Therefore, this essay will be based on the argument of the role played by globalization and sovereignty in the internation al people smuggling. Therefore, from the definitions of international human smuggling it was understood that globalization is responsible largely for people smuggling. Deport of people across the border to other countries or continents can often be considered as human smuggling (Graycar 2017). To create parity between globalization and people smuggling, the article, the criminalization of human and humanitarian smuggling by Scott Watson has critically evaluated the ways in which the states and countries manage international migration by the illegal ways of smuggling. The smugglers took advantage of the national and international boundaries, broadband communication, and migration of people on a large volume and political and economic disturbance have been the added as the major factors in illegal transportation of people. Globalization had a major impact on the smuggling business due to the displaced persons, war victims, poor and the migratory people who were finding shelter in the West to improve their standard of living (Watson 2015). However, in the recent years hostility and migration goes simultaneously with the increasing movement of population. Due to lack of clarification of the particular terms of smuggling and trafficking, the attention is deflected from the real difficulty of victims of this phenomenon. It implies a mutual relationship between those who are willing to leave the state or country and those who want to support the agents in deporting the victims to other country. This mutual relationship ends when the victims reach at their destination after paying the legal fees (Ventrella 2016). The victims are deported to any places all over the world where globalization plays another major role. Recently, the government and the non- government organizations worldwide have started responding to this innovative form of slavery. In this way, sovereignty is playing its part in the offence of human smuggling. Different anti- trafficking programs are implemented in the countries to focus on the awareness campaign and legislative amendments. As per the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act 2000, the countries are making sincere efforts to fulfill the basic standards to minimize human smuggling (Butler and Ratcovich 2016). Criminalization of trafficking is regarded as one among those standards. As the world is connected from one corner to another and global community is emerging, deporting of people either willingly or forcefully are becoming a common activity. The compact nature of the world can be accountable for the process of globalization. It can be stated that globalization has a major role to play in the process of international human smuggling and it is the cause behind making this activity so lucrative and a rapidly increasing criminal offence (Misbach 2015). With the increase in integrated global economy, human smuggling has found an opportunity to thrive in different places. From the viewpoint of sovereignty in the process of international human smuggling, the permeability of national borders can be regarded as an important aspect. Globalization is responsible for fostering inter- connection between commercial states to permit the transfer of goods or human beings. The relative advantage in goods and inexpensive labor in the third- world countries has an impact in the exploitation of human beings for economical benefit (Stenning 2016). This has resulted in creating anxiety about the national identities of that workforce. The individuals who are being deported from the lesser developed countries suffer from identity crisis. They are in a dilemma to select the country where they belong. Another negative impact that it has posed is the increase in income inequality within national and international borders by corroding the long- built national identity (Hidalgo 2016). The economically backward and the politically disadvantaged individuals due to the negativ e impact of globalization feel left out from the society, as they become a part of immigrants (Gallagher and David 2014). Due to the illegal nature of the international human smuggling, the agents always stay one-step ahead of the countrys law and enforcement. The states have adopted several steps to combat this criminal offence, but those remained ineffective. This is because the particular activity is not restricted to any specific boundary. International organizations such as the United Nations, Interpol and a wide range of other NGOs have combined to fight against this battle by utilizing their sovereignty. The UN had adopted the Palermo Protocol of the UN Convention Against, Transnational Organized Crime (Roberts 2018). The illegal activity has been able to gain momentum to such an extent because of the failure of the countrys ineffective laws towards protection of the individuals (Zulyadi, Subramaniam and Kamello 2014). Thus, human smuggling could cast a dark shadow on the past, present and future of the planet earth. The mention of globalization and sovereignty throughout this essay has put a pow erful impact on the argument that was raised in the beginning of the essay. Reference Agnew, J., 2017.Globalization and Sovereignty: Beyond the Territorial Trap. Rowman Littlefield. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=gsc8DwAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PR5dq=sovereigntyots=3xp75Sz_wcsig=Rkl2KGvopH4jeCz13aXowYQVJes#v=onepageq=sovereigntyf=false Baylis, J., Smith, S. and Owens, P. eds., 2017.The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations. 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